The People's Bus
#peoplesbus engaging people in NYC’s civic life through beauty and joy
Rank Choice Voting Education Campaign: "We Decide Our Future"
June 2021
16:00 - 19:00
Reference: CEC-MEET-2021-06-182
Version number 35 (of 35) see other versions
We aim to meet New Yorkers where they are, provide them with resources and education, facilitate dialogue, and begin to restore and strengthen relationships between local government and residents. The People's Bus invites New Yorkers to re-imagine and transform a retired city vehicle into a vibrant and welcoming mobile civic engagement and community center.
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Omg i forgot about it xD
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The People's Bus initiative sounds like a promising venture to invigorate civic engagement and empower residents. By repurposing a retired city vehicle into a dynamic hub, you're not just creating a space but a symbol of inclusivity and unity. It's initiatives like these that remind us of the beauty of capitals around the world (, where innovation and community spirit converge to shape brighter futures.
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This initiative sounds fantastic! By bringing resources, education, and dialogue directly to the people, The People's Bus is not only transforming a retired city vehicle but also transforming community engagement. This is a brilliant way to strengthen the relationship between local government and residents while creating a vibrant and welcoming space for all New Yorkers.
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Join us at the Rank Choice Voting Education Campaign festival on June 14, 2021! Our goal is to empower New Yorkers by fostering dialogue and rebuilding ties with local government. While you're exploring, don't miss the chance to try the Slope Game—it's a fun way to engage with civic responsibility! Let's shape our future together.
Your engaging narrative style transforms a potentially dry topic into something vibrant and alive.
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