It's Our Money
#itsourmoney Youth led direct democracy
Healthy Minds, Healthy Vibes Wellness and Healing Justice Conference
Name of Your Organization:
Just As I Am YOUth Empowerment "JAIA"
Overview of the Project - Please provide a brief description of the project.
JAIA is a personal development and leadership program for teens and young adults ages 16-21. Our mission is to partner and co-create with youth in order to promote mindful, healthy, and safe communities through transformative personal and leadership development
Our Vision is to develop conscious, confident leaders nationally and globally through youth-led and adult-guided programming. JAIA imagines a world where youth voices are valued and included for the advancement of healthier communities.
The "It's Our Money" is very much in alignment with our mission and our desire to serve youth in NYC, therefore our youth leaders came up with the following project.
With the support of the It’s Our Money grant, JAIA will recruit 12 youth interns who will receive experiential, literacy and art-based mental wellness and healing justice education, learn project creation and management skills, group facilitation, and mindfulness training, as well as social media campaign development. With these skills, interns will design and co-facilitate The Healthy Minds Healthy Vibes Wellness & Healing Justice Conference (“HMHV Conference”) for up to 100 youth and adults.
Which of the following issues does your project address?
- Issue 1 - Addressing Mental Health
- Issue 2 - Preparation for College and/or Career
- Issue 3 - Youth Advocacy Promotion
We will address each of the three issues in our project.
Youth Engagement - Please explain how you will engage youth in the planning and implementation of the project.
We will engage 12 youth ages 15-21 through our Youth Advisory paid internship. Youth Advisory interns will work together as a council to facilitate a Healthy Minds Healthy Vibes Wellness and Healing Justice Conference for youth and adults at a partnering high school in Brooklyn. Youth advisory interns will receive a $300 stipend and other incentives for their commitment, efforts, and participation in this project from February-June 2021. As part of JAIA’s current programming, youth are taught leadership skills that will enable them to plan conscious, safe and engaging community events and service projects.
We will engage youth from all neighborhoods of the city with a focus on the following: ENY K05, Mott Haven B01; EF K17 ; M10; and Q12
Consistent with the needs statement created in this participatory budgeting process, our grant proposal addresses youth's three most important issues: their mental health, the preparation for their future, and youth advocacy- elevating youth voices.
l. Mental health/Wellness and Healing Justice-
In order to co-facilitated educational and healing experiences, youth advisory interns will:
- learn about mental illness, wellness therapies, as well as stigma and barriers that deter families from receiving help
- research various healing and therapeutic modalities
- choose and experience modalities and practitioners to be spotlighted at the HMHV Wellness Conference
- finalize which modalities and practitioners will become a part of JAIA's Wellness Hub that will offer short term free or low-cost healing therapies and provide ongoing services for youth and the significant adults in their lives.
- create and co-facilitate the Bridging the Gap workshop for adults and youth
- create and co-facilitate the HMHV Wellness Healing Justice Conference in May
ll. Preparation for the future-
Through our Healthy Minds/Healthy Vibes project, youth advisory interns will:
- experience and develop leadership, personal development and mindfulness skills
- learn about, develop and implement projects using various project management too;s
- practice effective communication, advocacy, decision making, confidence, and self-esteem building skills, all necessary for those who are heading to college, technical school, the job world, and life after high school.
- practice co-facilitating discussions, healing circles (meditation, journaling, and discussion)
- develop personal/professional Vision boards using music, writing, spoken word, movement, and art)
lIl. Youth Voice and Advocacy -
After having met with a small focus group of JAIA youth, our youth echoed the need expressed by the youth in the It’s Our Money Grant process. Also, our youth expressed that often parents, who are the gatekeepers to treatment for youth, are negatively affected by stigma associated with mental illness and treatment. Therefore, in order to elevate youth voices and concerns, the youth advisory interns will:
- create parent/significant adult activities and design and co-facilitate HMHV Wellness Conference to educate parents in order to reduce the effects of stigma and misinformation about mental health amongst youth and parents,
- create a social media campaign:
- to elevate youth voices and concerns -all of their voices will be heard and matter!
- to include information about health and healing as a violence prevention method
- to use video, spoken word, music, art, personal testimonies that appeal to diverse groups of youth
Here’s a personal account of how our JAIA YOUth Leadership Council’s Chairperson Shawuana’s experience addresses these three issues youth found important for this project…
Growing up as a young woman in my Afro Caribbean culture, the topic of mental health was mostly non -existent, was rarely discussed, and if it was, it was mentioned as something negative, as a person being “crazy”. I only learned about mental health when I was a sophomore in college. By then, I had already experienced severe depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. And I never knew what was going on with me. I thought there was something wrong with me. I was ashamed and I was embarrassed and afraid to tell anyone. I had no one to talk to about it.
Fortunately, I have learned so much about mental health through school since I chose to major in psychology. And, being a part of JAIA (Just As I Am) YOUth Empowerment, I learned more about mental health, felt safe speaking about my own experiences, and learned, practiced, and shared mindfulness tools and useful and effective techniques that helped me and my peers. I have learned that my suffering was nothing to be ashamed of, I was not alone, I now have effective tools and techniques I use when I am feeling depressed or anxious. I want to spread the knowledge and tools I learned about mental health to youth and adults. I want to confront the stigma that kept me from getting the support I needed and that keeps adults from helping their young people get the help they need. I want to work with other youth to support our peers and adults in understanding that sometimes life can be confusing and sometimes scary. I want to teach them that it is okay to not be okay, sometimes, and I want to share what I have learned and teach them how they can learn to uplift themselves, and shift their vibrations when depressed and anxious like I did.
Budget - Your total project budget must equal $20,000 to be placed on the ballot for a youth vote. Please provide a brief description of what the funds would be used for to successfully implement your project. You will also need to download, fill in, and attach a full budget using this template.
The funds for this project will be allotted to youth stipends for the 12 Youth Advisory Interns, @$300 each, and 2 youth leaders at $400 each who will be assisting with the training of the Youth Interns. We will have a program director and project coordinator to train youth interns, oversee all collaborations with schools and conference-related planning and execution. The money will be used for the Interns to create and promote a social media campaign that addresses mental health stigma and to create a video about various types of healing modalities for support to families who have been dealing with systemic oppression and trauma. Also, the money will be available to pay therapists or healing practitioners a fee for service offering 37 youth to receive 6 sessions of services after attending the conference. We will have t-shirts and self-care incentives for the youth and be able to offer a partner ( youth team/student union or club) a collaboration fee.
Timeline- Please describe the timeline for the implementation and completion of the project. All work for this project must be completed by June 30, 2021, which is the end of the city’s fiscal year and the deadline for the funds to be spent.
Recruit, interview and onboard youth for advisory council
Feb 1-12. 2021
Outreach to schools parent coordinator for the commitment of parents and students for adult/youth conference in May
Feb 1-15, 2021
JAIA volunteers, staff, and Youth Council Chair collaborate on the curriculum for 6 weeks of youth training
Jan 30th, 2021
Intern Orientation
Feb 17th
Intern training begins- Interns participate in twice-weekly meetings
Feb 20-Mar 27th
Youth break out into planning teams/practice skills
April 3-May 1st
Youth /Adult Conference
May 1-22nd- TBD
Launch Social Media Campaign
May 22- June 30th
Group and individual Wellness sessions for parents and youth,
June 2-5
Interns select practitioners for the healing and wellness hub.
June 23-30
Interns can apply for and or recruit youth for JAIA’s fall Mindful Leaders Institute
June 23-30
Interns celebrate with a Gratitude Event (a JAIA annual program to thank volunteers) and receive certificates and stipends
June 23-30
Interns Debrief conference, Review feedback forms; JAIA team review Intern self-assessments - CEC reporting
July 5-25
Project Activity Alignment - How does your project align with at least one of the following topics:
- Leadership skills development: organizing & advocacy training
- Stewardship of public spaces: public parks, transportation, etc.
- Youth and student engagement
- Civic education and advocacy
- Community outreach involving residents that have been historically underrepresented in or underserved by the city government and its processes
Our project aligns with #1, 3, 4 and 5
What is your organization's area of focus?
- Children and youth related
- Advocacy and organizing
- Arts and culture
- Civic engagement
- Education and literacy
- Emergency management and disaster response
- Employment and workforce development
- Environment and sustainability
- Faith-based
- Food access
- Health and medicine
- Homelessness and/or affordable housing
- Human rights
- Human services
- Immigrants and/or refugees
- Justice related
- Legal services
- People with disabilities
- Senior services
- Women's issues
JAIA's focus is # 1, 2,4, 5 and 14.
Affirmations - Type "YES" below each statement to affirm that you are eligible to appear on the ballot for this process.
I confirm that my organization will be registered in the NYC Payee Information Portal and in PassPort, NYC’s online procurement system, in order to receive funding from the City of New York.
I confirm that my organization is able to front the costs of implementing this project. Organizations will be paid based on deliverables.
Completion of Deliverables: I understand all deliverables must be completed by June 30th, 2021.
I understand a condition of funding includes submission of a final report upon project completion and participating in a debrief session with the CEC.
This idea proceeds to voting because:
Thank you for your proposal submission! Based on our review, your proposal is eligible according to the project guidelines and will be placed on the ballot for the youth vote to take place in February. We may reach out if we need further information to prepare the ballot.
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This is such an inspiring initiative! JAIA’s commitment to empowering youth through leadership, mental wellness, and advocacy is truly commendable. The Healthy Minds, Healthy Vibes Wellness & Healing Justice Conference will no doubt have a lasting impact on both youth and adults. Providing young leaders with the tools to create meaningful change, challenge stigma, and promote mental health awareness is exactly what communities need. Wishing you all success with the youth vote and the incredible work ahead!
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