The People's Money (2024-2025)
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Media Literacy Workshops
- Do you have specific Neighborhood(s) in mind?
- anywhere in Staten Island
- Which group(s) does your idea focus on? Select as many as apply.
YouthOlder AdultsPublic Housing ResidentsJustice Impacted PeoplePeople with DisabilitiesLimited English SpeakersVeteransParentsLGBTQ+
- Describe the challenge you want to address:
- Many people do not have a systematic approach to evaluating the credibility of a new source. people get news through social media and don't notice the name of the news source. When they clicked through to an article or video. Students in a college prep class i taught didn't have a clear idea what makes blogs organization websites and YouTube commentators are different from news agencies. difficulty evaluating information on the internet has serious implications for democracies.
- What is the solution to the challenge?
- I would develop and deliver a media literacy workshop that could be offered anywhere public high schools, community centers and libraries. I'd use forces groups to understand my target audiences, then create a participatory workshop. After finding out how they judge sources in add some other criteria. i'd use the literature on media literacy. I d introduce tools that rate sources on accuracy and political bias and fact checkers. Participants would find and political bias and fact checkers. participants would find different articles on a single event and compare coverage.
- Please provide your Zip Code
- 10301
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