The People's Money (2024-2025)
Play your part: Your Money, Your Community, Your Vote!
About this process
What is the People's Money?
What is the People's Money?
The People's Money is New York City's annual citywide Participatory Budgeting (PB) initiative where community members decide how to spend part of the city's budget. This process is open to all New Yorkers, regardless of immigration status.
How does The People's Money work?
The People’s Money consists of four phases and takes two years to complete. The first three phases run in one year, and the last phase, project implementation, runs in the second year.
The first three phases include (1) idea generation, (2) borough assemblies (3) voting. In the fourth phase, (4) project implementation, community organizations take a full year to implement the projects
Phase 1: Idea Generation?
Idea Generation offers workshops, where residents can learn how the city spends its money, discuss important needs within their community, and come up with ideas to address those needs. Residents can also submit ideas online.
These workshops use activities and open discussions to help people share their thoughts and work together.
Phase 2: Borough Assembly
Residents of New York City are randomly chosen to serve on committees for their respective boroughs (like Manhattan, Brooklyn, etc.). These committees are selected to be representative of the diversity of each borough. Assembly members meet for six sessions to discuss the ideas submitted, prioritize projects that address the needs of the borough, and identify the final ideas to be put to vote by the public.
Phase 3: Citywide Voting
Once ballots are finalized, New Yorkers are invited to vote and decide which projects they would like to see implemented in their borough.
Phase 4: Implemented Projects
Community-based organizations can apply to develop projects through a competitive process. The Civic Engagement Commission works with the organizations to ensure the projects are successfully completed.
Idea Generation See all ideas (3885)
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