The People's Money (2022-2023)
Your Money, Your Community, Your Voice.
About this process
What is The People's Money?
On September 14th 2022, Mayor Adams and the Civic Engagement Commission announced the launch of “The People’s Money” — New York City’s first-ever citywide participatory budgeting (PB) process. All New Yorkers age 11 and up, regardless of immigration status, can decide how to spend $5 million of the city’s budget to address local community needs.
Participatory budgeting is a democratic process in which community members decide how to spend part of a public budget. PB started in Porto Alegre, Brazil in 1989 as an anti-poverty measure. The process has been implemented over 11,600 times in states, cities, counties, schools, and other institutions across the world!
Though NYC City Council members introduced PB back in 2011, and many City Council members currently participate by putting up their own discretionary funding, The People’s Money is the first hcitywide process utilizing Mayoral expense funding. Expense funding can be used for projects and services, and the citywide process allows all New Yorkers to participate, regardless of the council district they live in.
To learn more about the People’s Money’s phases and opportunities to get involved, navigate and click on each tab shown above. The process is currently in Phase 4: Project Implementation.
What happens next in The People’s Money?
.... the Project Implementation Phase!
From May 10th through June 25th, 2023, tens of thousands of New Yorkers voted on how to spend part of the city budget to address community needs. Ballots are now in the process of being counted!
The CEC will announce the organizations responsible for implementing the projects publicly in the coming weeks. We will work closely with the implementing organizations over the course of the year to ensure they are supported, projects are effectively monitored, and are completed successfully. Any opportunities to be involved in the projects will be posted on this site.
All projects must be completed by June of 2024. The CEC will report back the results of the projects upon completion, including metrics such as the number of residents served, outcomes, highlights, successes and challenges.
4. Project Implementation See all (46)
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