The People's Money (2022-2023)
Your Money, Your Community, Your Voice.
Changes at "After the Storm: Community Renovation & Education Project"
- +{"en"=>"After the Storm: Community Renovation & Education Project"}
What problem would you like to solve?
Due to poor infrastructure and the age of the buildings in the community, after many storms there is often damage to the churches and the homes, especially of seniors. There is not enough funding or skilled repair people around to help assist with renovation.
Why is it important to solve? Why is it relevant for the community?
Working on this problem would help homeowners in need of repair, institutions like churches that often do not have the money to repair large spaces, and seniors citizens who need assistance
What idea do you have to address the problem?
We need a program to educate homeowners and the churches on simple repairs they can manage on their own, how to access government and utility applications and programs as well as provide opportunity for community residents with trades experience to volunteer and train for licensing while working to repair and revive the community. It could also be a way to provide apprenticeships for youth and training for immigrants who come from home with these skills.
Who would that help?
Seniors, local community institutions like the churches, immigrants, youth and residents looking to get trades licenses.
What neighborhood would benefit from your idea?
East Flatbush