The People's Money (2022-2023)
Your Money, Your Community, Your Voice.
Youth and kids club/know your rights program
What problem would you like to solve?
Many children have talent and energy and needs to have a place for different activities like sport, music, arts, and gym. So they can apply for this program especially sports as it is so expensive. immigrant people need a place to go to know more about their rights and their kids rights with language that they can understand!
Why is it important to solve? Why is it relevant for the community?
It is important to help the community to improve their skills and their health. healthy community.
What idea do you have to address the problem?
club or recreation center. office helps the immigrants and guide them in general when they need help.
Who would that help?
mental health for kids and physical health for kids.
improve society
What NYC borough would benefit from your idea?
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