It's Our Money
#itsourmoney Youth led direct democracy
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The Green Space Project
Organization Name:
YVote Environmental Justice Action Group
Project ID: 163
Project Name: The Green Space Project
Neighborhood Communities that the Project will Serve:CB Brooklyn 16 (Brownsville)
Borough: Brooklyn
Project Description: The Green Space Project aims to implement a roof garden in a high school located within underrepresented communities such as within Brooklyn Community Board 16. The garden will be maintained and cared for by the students primarily, along with teachers who will mentor environmental friendliness and awareness.
Our project will directly benefit youth in their mental health giving them a place to escape within school, where they can release their stress. Our garden will be maintained by students who receive a stipend at the end of this project as a reward for their hard work.
Youth voters should pick this project as it encompasses two important issues that youth care about: environmental sustainability and mental health. The project also encourages community building in the process of creating and maintaining the roof garden.
What Youth are saying about the organization: Upon sharing our proposal presentation with the other members of our organization, YVote, youth stated that our idea was well thought out, organized, and useful. In voting for proposals, our project was voted first among 6 proposals by 65 high schoolers, showing the widespread support from our organization.
Organization’s Social Media. Help us spread the word about our proposal!:
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