It's Our Money
#itsourmoney Youth led direct democracy
Youth Organizations Implement Projects and Report Back
02/26/2021 - 09/30/2021
Process phases
7 ideas
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Proceeds to voting
Name of Your Organization: Research Foundation/LaGuardia Community College Summer Youth Employment (SYEP)Overview of...
Created at
01/27/2021 -
- 8
Proceeds to voting
Name of Your Organization: South Jamaica Cornerstone [Aimee Aikens ]Overview of the Project - Please provide a brief...
Created at
01/27/2021 -
- 10
Proceeds to voting
Name of Your Organization:The Child Center of NYOverview of the Project - Please provide a brief description of the...
Created at
01/22/2021 -
- 6
Proceeds to voting
Name of Your Organization:YVote/Next Generation PoliticsOverview of the Project - Please provide a brief description...
Created at
01/22/2021 -
- 4
Proceeds to voting
Name of Your Organization:ArtsConnectionOverview of the Project - Please provide a brief description of the...
Created at
01/22/2021 -
- 8
Proceeds to voting
Name of Your Organization:South Asian Youth Action (SAYA)Overview of the Project - Please provide a brief description...
Created at
01/22/2021 -
- 7
Proceeds to voting
Name of Your Organization:Sunnyside Community ServicesOverview of the Project - Please provide a brief description of...
Created at
01/22/2021 -
- 2