It's Our Money
#itsourmoney Youth led direct democracy
No Kizzy, No Kap. A 5 Part podcast series that focuses one many issues at hand.
Name of Your Organization:
LBX Sports, Inc.
Overview of the Project - Please provide a brief description of the project.
“No Kizzy, No Kap”. A 5 Part podcast series that focuses on one topic per session. Each topic will be addressed VIA Panel (4-8 Participants). The sessions will be live but prepped and the participants selected for this project based on the topic of their interest. There will be a live host and also questions addressed from messages and emails prior to the recording.
Which of the following issues does your project address?
1. Issue 1 - Addressing Mental Health (Mental Health)
2. Issue 2 - Preparation for College and/or Career (Express Yourself)
3. Issue 2 - Preparation for College and/or Career (Career Pathway)
4. Issue 3 - Youth Advocacy Promotion (Black & Injustice)
5. Issue 3 - Youth Advocacy Promotion (Recreation Change/Safe Space)
We will be responding to 6 correspondents.
Youth Engagement - Please explain how you will engage youth in the planning and implementation of the project.
During the implementation stage participants will help create and distribute survey. This survey will help develop topics discussed for each podcast. The participants will be selected based on the topic assigned to them. We will use approximately 20 – 40 youth for the project.
Budget - Your total project budget must equal $20,000 to be placed on the ballot for a youth vote. Please provide a brief description of what the funds would be used for to successfully implement your project. You will also need to download, fill in, and attach a full budget using this template.
The budget will cover all the expenses of the project such as studio time, Computer for editing and recording, microphones, staff, travel for participants and promotions. Please see attached
Timeline- Please describe the timeline for the implementation and completion of the project. All work for this project must be completed by June 30, 2021, which is the end of the city’s fiscal year and the deadline for the funds to be spent.
The timeline for this project will start if awarded grant and end before June 30, 2021.
Please see attached
Project Activity Alignment - How does your project align with at least one of the following topics:
1. Leadership skills development: organizing & advocacy trainings
2. Stewardship of public spaces: public parks, transportation, etc.
3. Youth and student engagement
4. Civic education and advocacy
5. Community outreach involving residents that have been historically underrepresented in or underserved by city government and its processes
Through the podcast youth and student engagement will be heavily focused. With assistance from the producers our youth will come up with the questions based on a survey that will be heavily focused in the podcast. The survey will be sent to other youth and organizations before production and will be implemented into the podcast. In addition, the youth will be prepped on their own material to create a better show for the listeners, at least 1 week in advance through zoom.
What is your organization's area of focus?
1. Children and youth related
2. Advocacy and organizing
3. Arts and culture
4. Civic engagement
5. Education and literacy
6. Emergency management and disaster response
7. Employment and workforce development
8. Environment and sustainability
9. Faith-based
10. Food access
11. Health and medicine
12. Homelessness and/or affordable housing
13. Human rights
14. Human services
15. Immigrants and/or refugees
16. Justice related
17. Legal services
18. People with disabilities
19. Senior services
20. Women's issues
The podcasts area of focus will be on children and youth related, arts and culture, advocacy and organizing, legal services and education and literacy. Our objective is to use this platform as a voice for all youth all over the world. Our youth will help be the voice on many issues that all youth deal with. Through the podcast there will be stories shared but more importantly opportunities to help those in need.
Affirmations - Type "YES" below each statement to affirm that you are eligible to appear on the ballot for this process.
I confirm that may organization will be registered in the NYC Payee Information Portal and in PassPort, NYC’s online procurement system, in order to receive funding from the City of New York.
I confirm that my organization is able to front the costs of implementing this project. Organizations will be paid based on deliverables.
Completion of Deliverables: I understand all deliverables must be completed by June 30th, 2021.
I understand a condition of funding includes submission of a final report upon project completion and participating in a debrief session with the CEC.
This idea proceeds to voting because:
Thank you for your proposal submission! Based on our review your project is eligible to be placed on the ballot for a youth vote to take place in February. We may reach out to you for further information if needed.
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Nice Post I love this. Thank you for your support.
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