The People's Money (2022-2023)
Your Money, Your Community, Your Voice.
Culturally Relevant Mentoring to Stop Youth Violence
What problem would you like to solve?
There is a lot of violence among members of the African diaspora in the South Bronx, with large numbers of murders and a disproportionate presence in correctional facilities. Trauma is a major factor in these gang activities. I would love to see initiatives that help youth through culturally relevant mentoring programs.
Why is it important to solve? Why is it relevant for the community?
This is a critical issue to solve because many amazing children with bright futures are being exposed to danger and violence, and a culture of violence is evolving out of the stressors that these young people are exposed to.
What idea do you have to address the problem?
We need to create safe, culturally relevant spaces that provide healing, trauma-informed processes, mentorship, and strength-based activities that will help the youth to identify their unique gifts. These spaces should also present opportunities for civic engagement and career opportunities in a culturally competent and responsive way.
Who would that help?
This would help young African immigrants in the Bronx.
What NYC borough would benefit from your idea?
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