The People's Money (2022-2023)
Your Money, Your Community, Your Voice.
Trade/Career fairs for unemployed highschool graduates
What problem would you like to solve?
After high school, many kids don't go to college or don't know what they want to do, creating unemployment problems and inefficiencies in their careers. With job or fairs, high school grads can closely understand how they would want to guide their careers
Why is it important to solve? Why is it relevant for the community?
Unemployment continues cycle of poverty and lack of education within communities by enabling a whole generation of high school grads
What idea do you have to address the problem?
Volunteer groups could do campus or school outreach sessions to contact graduates and students directly to help them plan their future careers. Job fairs and trade fairs could be held at these schools.
Who would that help?
High school grads and students who don't know what to do out of high school
What NYC borough would benefit from your idea?
Staten Island
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