The People's Money (2022-2023)
Your Money, Your Community, Your Voice.
Changes at "School Lunches "
- +{"en"=>"School Lunches "}
What problem would you like to solve?
The problem I would like solved is the nutrition and lunches at schools.
Why is it important to solve? Why is it relevant for the community?
This is important to solve as being a youth myself who attends school currently and has to eat the school lunches, they are not nutritious and they do not taste good. Many times, I have found expired milk served to me and it is not fair that we have to wait until getting out of school and getting home to eat a decent meal. This is relevant to the community because healthy food can allow kids to have better health overall and possible decrease health concerns that are costly.
What idea do you have to address the problem?
Creating places who make the food for the schools if it is too much work to do the same day that is nutritious and serve the food to the schools during lunch.
Who would that help?
What NYC borough would benefit from your idea?